What is a Fiber?
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest. Though most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules called glucose, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules, and instead it passes through the body undigested. Fiber helps regulate the body's use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check.
How much fiber do you need per day?
Women should try to eat at least 21 to 25 grams of fiber a day, while men should aim for 30 to 38 grams a day.At this moment in most parts of the world we are around half of that advised intake…
Some Health Benefits of Fibers
From preventing blood sugar crashes to improving digestion, fiber can do wonders for your health.

Dr Zuckerbrot, A global leader in the health and wellness space and an internationally-known dietitian and the creator of the renowned F-Factor™ Diet, the most liberating and sustainable approach to weight loss and optimal health based on scientifically proven fiber-rich nutrition. She is also the author of The Miracle Carb Diet: Make Calories and Fat Disappear – with Fiber! (2012, Hyperion) and an authority when it comes to fibers. Below are some results of her extensive scientifically proven studies: Ten seconds. That's exactly how quickly the stomach begins digesting food after you chew and swallow. Within 45 minutes of eating a meal without fiber, you'll feel the blood sugar roller coaster effects. A high fiber diet is key to preventing these spikes and falls. "That great, full feeling you experience after a big meal? It's quickly followed by a blood sugar crash, where you feel tired, weak, shaky, cranky, and most of all, hungry... Sound familiar? Then you're probably not getting enough fiber in your diet. When a meal contains fiber, this process is much slower, eliminating blood sugar spikes and increasing feelings of fullness for several hours after eating." A sense of fullness is only one of many benefits of fiber.

Fibers Help You ‘Feel Full’
According to Zuckerbrot, Fiber swells in your stomach like a sponge, which increases feelings of fullness and promotes weight loss by creating a caloric deficit without hunger
Smoother Digestion
Fiber-rich foods, make everything you consume go down easier. Soluble fiber combines with water to form a gel-like substance that creates bulk. Insoluble fiber moves food through.
Calory burner
You will burn more calories (upto 92 extra per day) when you double fiber intake from 12 to 24 grams per day, according to recent research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. “Fiber boosts metabolism because the body can’t digest fiber—but it attempts to—burning calories in the process,” Zuckerbrot says. All that bonus burn would result in a 5kg loss per year.
Cholesterol Goes Down
“Fiber has absorbent properties, binding to circulating cholesterol and eliminating it from the body,” Zuckerbrot says
Energy Level
“Eating fiber and protein together keeps blood glucose levels steady, providing your body with sustained energy throughout the day”
Glowing Skin
Since fiber soaks up toxins in the blood, eliminating them through the digestive tract instead of your pores will make your skin brighter and clearer.
Inflammation Decreases
“Fiber is a prebiotic that plays a fundamental role in gut health, and is important for battling inflammation and lowering overall disease risk,” Zuckerbrot says. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study explains why: Fiber acts as a natural protective armor against C-reactive protein (CRP), a sign of acute inflammation. When this evil CRP is coursing through the blood, you are more likely to develop diabetes or cardiovascular disease down the road.
Better Sleep
Eating a fiber-strong supper and bedtime snack can keep your blood sugar on a more even keel so you can catch some undisturbed shut-eye. Just be sure to amp up the fiber intake on an even pace. If you’re not used to eating a high-fiber diet, gradually increase your intake to give your system time to adjust and avoid abdominal discomfort like gas and bloating, symptoms that would surely keep you up at night.
No More Bloating
That is if you follow the slow and steady ramp-up just recommended . Drink enough water to avoid the aches and unsettled stomach. When you do, “you’ll have complete and regular bowel movements,” Zuckerbrot says. “One of the benefits of fiber is that it increases stool bulk, which helps prevent constipation and bloating, and can offer relief from irritable bowel syndrome.
You’ll Live Longer
“A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), found that those who followed a high fiber diet lived longest. Fiber was credited with reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, infectious and respiratory disease and some forms of cancer,” Zuckerbrot says.
Boost the Good Bacteria in Your Body
Many high-fiber foods are good sources of prebiotic bacteria, which serves as “food” for beneficial probiotic bacteria.
Steady Blood Sugar level
Think of fiber as a slow-mo button for blood sugar spikes. Foods with fiber take longer to digest, therefore blood sugar doesn’t rise and fall dramatically like it does with refined carbohydrates. Fiber slows digestion and steadies blood sugar levels, which curbs sugar cravings and sustains energy.
Less Hypertension Dangers
By improving cholesterol levels and decreasing inflammation, fiber can help to reduce heart disease risk and decrease blood pressure levels.
Reduced Cancer Risk
The secret weapon to combat certain cancers? You guessed it: a high fiber diet. Your colon, breasts and other body parts will stay disease-free longer when you add more fiber to your menu. “Fiber is like sandpaper in the colon, causing constant cell turnover which is beneficial for not only digestion but also colon health in preventing tumor growth. Fiber also helps reduce levels of circulating estrogen, which has been proven to reduce the risk of breast cancer,” Zuckerbrot says.
You’ll Be More Regular
Fiber alleviates constipation and promotes regularity. Fiber-rich foods and supplements help form stool bulk (especially when combined with water).